Young Adults with Cancer in Portugal: a survey by the Young Adult Study Group with Cancer from SPO


  • Marta Almeida ULS de Braga
  • Andreia Coelho ULS do São João
  • Ana Ferreira IPO do Porto
  • António Silva ULS de Coimbra
  • Daniela Macedo Hospital Lusíadas
  • Hugo Vasques IPO de Lisboa
  • Sérgio Chacim IPO do Porto
  • Cátia Noronha SPO
  • Margarida Brito IPO de Lisboa


Young Adult with Cancer; Portuguese Health System; Multidisciplinary; Postgraduate Training; AJC Study Group of the Portuguese Society of Oncology.


Young adults with cancer (YAC) pose a challenge due to their unique characteristics that require specialized care. An ESMO -SIOPE survey revealed that in Europe, there is suboptimal and uneven provision of care for YAC, highlighting the need to assess their status in the Portuguese healthcare system. The Portuguese Group of YAC developed a questionnaire to assess the needs of physicians and available resources for YAC in Portugal.
Online questionnaire was sent between march-april 2023 to physicians treating YAC in Portugal, using the SPO email database. It was based on the ESMO-SIOPE-9 questionnaire and focused on demographics, medical training, research and accessibility of YAC to specialized care.
In total 182 questionnaires were received from all regions of Portugal, with the majority being physicians from tertiary hospitals (67%) and oncologists (62%). About 64% reported following 1-20 YAC, with breast cancer (53%) being the most frequent. The majority stated they could refer YAC to Psychology (96%) and Genetics (81%), but 16% reported inaccessibility to Fertility and 50% to Oncosexology consultations. Approximately 84% did not have occupational therapy/support groups for YAC. Likewise, 92% and 95% stated they did not have access to support groups for caregivers of YAC or for physicians, respectively. Survivor Clinic was not available for 81% of the physicians, but 90% acknowledged its necessity in clinical practice. Only 7% of physicians had received any form of specific training in YAC management.


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Recomendações Clínicas para a preservação da fertilidade no doente oncológico da SPH/SPMR/SPO :



How to Cite

Almeida, M., Coelho, A., Ferreira, A., Silva, A., Macedo, D., Vasques, H., Chacim, S. ., Noronha, C., & Brito, M. (2024). Young Adults with Cancer in Portugal: a survey by the Young Adult Study Group with Cancer from SPO. Portuguese Journal of Oncology, 7(1-2), 5–12. Retrieved from